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Our Certification

100% Microplastic-Free Formulations

100% Microplastic-Free Formulations

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles, often found in personal care products like exfoliating scrubs and shampoos. They pose a significant threat to marine life and ecosystems, as they can be ingested by marine organisms and disrupt ecosystems. La Pink's commitment to 100% Microplastic-Free Formulations means that none of our products contain these harmful particles. La Pink takes a proactive stance by formulating all our products without any microplastics. We're India's 1st beauty brand with 100% Microplastic-Free Formulations, ensuring skin and hair safety. We achieve this by using natural and biodegradable exfoliants in our scrubs and ensuring that our formulations are microplastic-free. By choosing La Pink, you're not only prioritizing your skin and hair's safety but also contributing to environmental conservation by reducing plastic pollution in water bodies.

Cruelty Free

Cruelty Free

Being cruelty-free is a core value at La Pink. But our commitment to being cruelty-free goes beyond just not testing on animals. It means that we do not conduct any animal testing on our products, and we do not use ingredients that have been tested on animals. Furthermore, we actively support alternatives to animal testing, such as in vitro testing and computer modelling, to ensure the safety and efficacy of our products. Our collaborations with organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) demonstrate our commitment to advocating for cruelty-free practices across the beauty industry. When you choose La Pink, you're making a compassionate choice that aligns with ethical and sustainable values.



La Pink's vegan product range extends beyond excluding animal-derived ingredients. We carefully select plant-based alternatives known for their effectiveness and safety. This includes botanical extracts, plant oils, and natural emollients that provide nourishment and hydration to your skin and hair. Our vegan formulations align with a lifestyle that values sustainability, ethical choices, and the well-being of animals. By using La Pink's vegan products, you can feel confident that you're supporting a cruelty-free and environmentally conscious brand.

Paraben Free

Paraben Free

Parabens are synthetic preservatives commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products. They have been associated with potential risks to human health, including hormonal disruptions. La Pink's decision to formulate our products without parabens ensures that you can enjoy effective skincare and haircare without compromising your well-being. Our paraben-free formulations undergo rigorous testing to maintain product stability and safety while prioritizing your health and peace of mind.

Sulphate Free

Sulphate Free

Sulphates, such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), are surfactants often used in cleansers and shampoos for their foaming properties. However, they can be harsh on the skin and strip away natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. La Pink's sulphate-free formulations provide a gentle cleansing experience that preserves the skin's moisture balance and leaves it feeling refreshed. Whether you're washing your face or hair, our sulphate-free products deliver effective cleansing without compromising on skin or scalp health.

SLS Free

SLS Free

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a common ingredient in personal care products due to its foaming and cleansing properties. However, it can be harsh on sensitive skin, causing dryness, redness, and irritation. La Pink excludes SLS from our formulations to priorities a luxurious cleanse without the potential side effects of this ingredient. Our SLS-free products foam gently and effectively, ensuring a pampering experience for all skin types, including those with sensitivity concerns.

Australian Certified Toxic-Free

Australian Certified Toxic-Free

Australian certifications are known for their stringent standards and commitment to product safety. La Pink's toxic-free certification ensures that our products are free from harmful substances, including toxins, carcinogens, and allergens. This certification reflects our dedication to transparency and product integrity, giving you confidence in the safety and quality of our offerings. When you choose La Pink, you can trust that you're using skincare and haircare products that priorities your well-being.

Dermatologically Tested

Dermatologically Tested

La Pink's dermatological testing involves comprehensive assessments to ensure that our products are suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and reactive skin. We conduct patch tests, sensitivity tests, and compatibility tests to verify the efficacy and safety of our formulations. Our dermatologically tested products deliver effective results without causing irritation or adverse reactions, providing a gentle and nurturing experience for your skin.

FDA Approved

FDA Approved

FDA approval is a rigorous process that signifies adherence to the highest standards of quality, safety, and manufacturing practices. La Pink's FDA-approved products meet strict criteria for efficacy, safety, and ingredient integrity. This approval ensures that you can trust our products' performance and safety, giving you peace of mind when incorporating them into your beauty routine.

Made Safe

Made Safe

The Made Safe certification is another layer of assurance for our customers. It is a comprehensive validation of our products' safety and ingredient purity. It guarantees that La Pink formulations are free from a wide range of harmful substances, including known carcinogens, reproductive toxins, and endocrine disruptors. This certification underscores our commitment to transparency, consumer health, and environmental responsibility. When you choose La Pink, you're choosing products that have been carefully vetted for their safety and integrity, allowing you to enjoy beauty care with confidence.

Our Certification